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To whom is continuous improvement important

Every industry benefits from understanding and pursuing continuous improvement. Establishing a culture of vigilant waste reduction and process improvement is a critical part of long-term organizational success

What is quality management?

Quality management is crucial to ensure that standards, whether internal or external, are met. The cycle of quality management has four parts which are designed to be repeated whenever necessary, until you’ve designed as close to an optimal process and product as possible

How to implement operational excellence

Operational excellence is a philosophy of sustained improvement based on 10 core principles that were first articulated by Japanese engineer Shigeo Shingo. Learn what they are and practical ways of applying them

How to write a SOAP checklist

SOAP checklists are widely used in medicine to streamline patient care and keep an accurate record of interactions. Find out how to prepare a thorough digital SOAP checklist you can use to save countless hours and vastly improve the hospital experience

To whom is business management important?

Ensure all the managers or potential managers in your company know the basic principles of managing a team. Business management issues are the leading cause of organizational failure and are crucial to avoid

How to write a workplace safety policy

Workplace safety policies make sure everyone in your business understands how to work safely and how to preserve the safety of their environment. Keep these safety policies updated with regular inspections and assessments to ensure you’re taking a proactive stance on employee health

What is process improvement?

Grow your business steadily and sustainably by understanding how to implement process improvement. Correct inefficient ways of working and improve production with workflow automation

How to evaluate compliance measures

Setting and optimizing compliance measures is a three-part process that starts with understanding your legal obligations and needs to be followed regularly. Evaluate compliance and workplace safety consistently so they become habit

How to measure operational excellence

Knowing how operational excellence can be measured is essential to your business. Learn how to translate the principles of operational excellence into actionable KPIs you can assess and adjust

What is HACCP?

Ensure and control the safety of food and food handling i your business with an HACCP plan. Learn and apply the 7 steps of HACCP